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Centro is a Chicago, IL based company that works “to improve the lives of those working in the advertising industry by building media management software."

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Data Entry Clerk Work From Home - Part Time Focus Group Panelists - Est. $17.00-$25.00/hr
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You’ve probably looked at thousands of ads already today, but chances are that you haven’t thought about how they got in front of you. Behind all of those ads is a group of people who made a complicated set of decisions to get that specific message to you in a specific place at a specific time. Managing those kinds of decisions at scale is really hard. Centro makes it easier. They’re a Chicago, IL based company that works “to improve the lives of those working in the advertising industry by building media management software that helps marketers engage with audiences across all digital channels in the most successful manner possible.” The goal is put all of the options in one place so that advertisers can make the best decisions for themselves or for clients.

In the Center of It

Centro offers a number of products and services “designed to eliminate unnecessary activity, improve human collaboration, offer greater insight, reduce errors and help users achieve more in their professional lives.” You probably won’t be able to full grasp the power of Centro’s platform unless you’ve already been involved in media buying, but they do have a video on their homepage (I can’t embed it here) that will help explain it all. If this stuff interest you, check out Centro’s Manifesto and then visit their Careers page. Current opportunities include:

There are quite a few options, so hopefully one will work out for you.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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AD | Jobs2Careers.com Columbus, OH
Floor Care Attendant
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Assistant Floor Manager
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Delivery Driver - $20.00-$25.00/hr
Medzoomer Columbus, OH
Lawn Specialist - Start at $17/Hour + Excellent Benefits
TruGreen Columbus, OH

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