FaithStreet Logo

FaithStreet is a New York, NY based company that helps people find a place to worship and helps religious communities find new members and gather donations.

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Merry Christmas Eve! Tonight my family will go to the candlelight service at the church I grew up in. It’s the only church that has ever felt like home to me. I’m not exactly sure how my parents started going there, but I’ll guess that it had something to do with the fact that it was about 150 yards from our house. Finding a great place of worship isn’t always so easy. I church-hopped in college, and never really found one that felt right for me. FaithStreet might have helped. Whether you’re looking for a local Christmas Eve service or a place to worship for the rest of your life, the New York, NY based company can help you find the right faith community. The founders asked, “Why is it so hard to find a church?” And instead of admitting defeat, they decided to do something about it.

Follow Your Faith

FaithStreet is kind of like Yelp for places of worship. Although they don’t do reviews, they do offer a profile full of meta data that will help you understand more about a given faith community. So far they have more than 12,000 churches working with them (though my home church isn’t on there). The problem here is that while restaurants are willing to pay a company like Yelp to drive new customers their way, churches don’t work like that. FaithStreet needs another business model, and that’s why they’re currently working on an online giving platform for the communities that they serve. That’s a relatively well-proven model for generating revenue in a non-profit market. If you’d like to help FaithStreet continue to help faith communities grow, check out their Jobs page. Right now they’re looking for a Senior Engineer, a Social Media Intern, and an Editorial Intern.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

Are you going to church tonight?

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