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You should check out jobs at Swipely. With the $7.5 million in financing they’re looking to add fresh talent to their team of industry veterans.

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Manual Tester
Washington, DC
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Arlington, VA
Front Desk and Mail Room Receptionist
Washington, DC
(Remote job) Data entry work. Work from home
Ashburn, VA
Customer Service Representative
Rockville, MD
Patient Transporter, PT Night Shift, Patient Transport
Rockville, MD
Information Security Officer
Ashburn, VA
Dog Sitter
Glen Echo, MD
Reston, VA
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Social networking sites have a serious TMI (too much information) problem. Never has it been easier for our friends to tell us stuff that we really didn’t want to know. And now it’s getting even easier with websites that share where we’ve most recently swiped our credit cards. Take for example my girlfriend, if she used Swipely, you’d know that the last place that she swiped her credit card was in the toilet of her office. No, she doesn’t work for Ryanair and have to pay to use the toilet. She just had a little a mishap when her credit card fell out of her back pocket. Yuck. Ok, that’s not exactly how Providence, RI based (yes, a startup based in Rhode Island) Swipely works, but it gives you an idea. We already discussed the idea of social networks for spending a few months ago when I wrote a post about Blippy, and now it’s a hot topic again because Swipely just launched in conjunction with securing a $7.5 million round of financing. We’re starting to see location based social networks take off, and it’s only a matter of time before we share our purchases too (although Blippy’s data leak from a few weeks ago might have set the timetable back a bit). Facebook is already abusing the hell out of your data, so you might as well give in and start sharing everything on your terms before Facebook does it without your permission.

Swipe This Job

Where Swipely differs from Blippy is in their approach. Blippy is all about sharing a feed of financial transactions; whereas, Swipely aims to enable you to share what you want to share. It’s not about how much you spent, but where you shopped and why you made the purchase. Apparently their goal is to “add value to every swipe,” although I don’t think that they’ve gone far enough with this yet. I see how powerful referral marketing has been for both Gilt Groupe and Bonobos, and I want to see Swipely take that idea and make it profitable for me to share my transactions with friends. That would be a serious value add. If you’re still not quite sure how Swipely works, you can watch the video below (RSS and e-mail readers click through to view).

Like what you see? You should check out jobs at Swipely. With the $7.5 million in financing they’re looking to add fresh talent to their team of industry veterans. Right now they’re looking for new college grads with a background in Computer Science. Additionally there’s a Front-End Developer position that might be suitable for new grads. For an early-ish stage startup, Swipely is extremely polished, and it shows on their Jobs page. They’re serious about recruiting top talent—even if they’re not located in Silicon Valley.

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FT Data Entry Clerk (Driver Enrollment) - Work From Home
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Front Desk and Mail Room Receptionist
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