Global Green USA

Right now Global Green USA is looking for a Database & Development Associate, and they are also involved with the The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship.

Displaying 1-10 of 494 results.
Senior Manager/Manager, Global Business Partnerships Marketing
Washington, DC
UX Researcher - Remote
Reston, VA
Administration Manager
Silver Spring, MD
Global Health Supply Chain Consultants
Washington, DC
Senior Advisor for Strategic Engagement and Health Communications, USAID Global Health
Washington, DC
Customer Operations Workforce Planning, Kuiper Global Customer Operations
Arlington, VA
Global Security and Operations Manager
Washington, DC
Inclusive Education Policy and Development Officer - USA or Canada
Washington, DC
Part-Time Remote Call Center Representative/Customer Service
Ashburn, VA
Global PR Director
Rockville, MD

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As far as I can tell, most of the non-profits that we’ve featured here have originated in the United States—even the ones that do most of their work internationally. Global Green USA is an exception. They are “the American Arm of Green Cross International (GCI), which was created by President Mikhail S. Gorbachev to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future by reconnecting humanity with the environment.” Global Green USA is headquartered in Santa Monica, CA, and they also have offices in New Orleans, LA; Washington, DC; and New York, NY. Though they do work on some international issues with GCI, their domestic focus is on “fighting global climate change through [their] green affordable housing initiatives, National Green Schools Initiative, national and reginonal green building policies, advocacy and education.”

Are You Globally Green?

The idea of a “sustainable and secure future” is something that everyone can get behind. Global Green USA’s main projects include Rebuilding New Orleans, Building Green Cities and Schools, Promoting Climate Change Policy, Encouraging Dialogue on Security, and Driving Clean Water Initiatives. As our environmental challenges continue to change, I’m sure that Global Green USA will adapt to address them. If you want to be part of a “sustainable and secure future,” then you should check out jobs at Global Green USA. Right now they’re looking for a Database & Development Associate, and they are also involved with the The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, which you can find out about here.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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