As Citizens Advice Bureau continue to grow, they need help, and new college grads are perfect for many of the positions that they’re hiring for.

Displaying 1-10 of 297 results.
Customs and Border Protection Officer
Sterling, VA
Director – Federal Government Affairs
Washington, DC
Communications Advisor
Washington, DC
Federal Contracts Negotiator
Washington, DC
Customs and Border Protection Officer
Herndon, VA
Compliance Analyst
Mc Lean, VA
Operations Research Analyst
Arlington, VA
Entry-Level Government Account Representative
Reston, VA
Onsite Support Specialist (Government)
Washington, DC
Intelligence Analyst
Washington, DC

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Although you may not realize it, but most college students return home after they graduate. Don’t believe me? Check out this article that says that 58% of you will return home and 32% of you will stay for more than a year. Although it may not be your desired outcome, it’s nice to have a place to stay and get settled before you start life in the real world; in fact, it’s a luxury. There are a lot of people and families who are left without a home, education, or a job and need a place to settle for a bit. They don’t have their parents’ house to go back to, and they don’t know where to go or what to do. If they’re in the Bronx, they can go to Citizens Advice Bureau, a settlement house. What’s a settlement house? You’ll get the full story in the Wikipedia entry on the settlement movement.

Get Settled with Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice Bureau provides a wide array of services for people who are facing tough times. CAB wants to help the 1/3 of Bronx residents who are living in poverty to improve their lives by building sustainable local economies. It all started with one small office, and now CAB operates 28 sites and serves 35,000 residents every year. As they continue to grow, they need help, and new college grads are perfect for many of the positions that they’re hiring for. CAB’s Jobs page is filled with opportunities for you to touch the lives of people who are struggling. There are both full-time and part-time positions, and the areas of work range from Program Development and Case Management to Early Childhood Teaching and Development. If you’re looking for non-profit work in New York City, Citizens Advice Bureau is definitely worth looking at. The e-mail addresses to apply to vary for each job, so pay attention if you’re applying to multiple jobs. There is an online job application posted on CAB’s website, but we’re not sure what it’s for.

Links to Help You Begin Your Research

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One response to “Citizens Advice Bureau”

  1. Lorraine Johnson-Davies says:

    I am a Generalist( we advise on anything and everything) Adviser for Citizens Advice Bureau in Manchester, England and am interested in working for a while in New York/Bronx. Are there any paid jobs there or is is like here, all voluntary? If it is voluntary, is there somewhere I could stay that was economical as I don’t have much money? Can You put me in touch with someone who works for CAB and I could maybe chat with them?
    Best regards


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